Saturday, October 10, 2009

Peace Corps Loony-ness

We have this joke, that after a few months of living in an isolated Aldea for a few months, you begin to go a little nuts. Not badly, just quirky.

It's ok though, because we're all going nuts together, Peace Corps Volunteers have a tendency to talk about things that wouldn't be normal in a conversation outside of our little world. We also accept life here as normal, as we're all living it together, rather than the weirdness it is.

I got a call from Ferney my site mate the other day, he just got cable so he's been watching all sorts of TV crap, the convo went something like this:

F: I'm watching this new show on MTV where they take the spoiled brats from "My Sweet 16" and send them to developing countries as a form of punishment.

Me: that sounds sweet

F: Yeah, there's this one girl, she got sent to India, and walked into her room and there was a chicken sitting on her bed - it made me think of you.

Me: aw, thanks!


I will admit, while the chickens that live in my compound are filthy, needy and often-cannibalistic creatures, we have, in our own way - bonded. I mentioned that I recognized a chicken from my compound walking around town the other day; well apparently the recognition goes both ways. If the chickens are let out, they go and feed out on the "street" in front of the compound. Well, if I am walking home while they’re out, they come scurrying up to my feet and I can herd them back through the door. They recognize me too.

Not sure if I'm proud - but it's certainly interesting to see that chickens can recognize people.

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