Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Todos Santos Pics - All Saints Day

Todos Santos, or All Saints day is a day where most Guatemalans go to the cemetery and pay respects to their departed relatives, however in Todos Santos, Huehuetenango, it is a day for horse racing in traditional traje.

We hiked up to Huehue saturday morning, (after spinning class of course) and had a Halloween party at a house we rented that night. There were TONS of volunteers, most of whom I've never met before as I usually only see volunteers from the Xela/Toto/Chimal area.

We also woke up Sunday morning to a bit of a surprise. I was heading out of the bathroom (which is outside on the patio) with no shoes on, and hair that looked like I had been dancing till goodness knows when, the evening before, when I see 2 big suburbans and a few men with earpieces and guns hanging out outside of the house.

Great...The American Ambassador decided to visit the volunteer who lives next door, luckily A. he didn't come into the house we were renting and B. He brought brownies.

After a delicious breakfast we headed down to the races, and after a few hours of watching the races we hiked back up to the town for some shopping (please refer back to the pictures of Ferney in Traje...priceless).

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