Monday, July 26, 2010

There is nothing like staying at home for real comfort. ~Jane Austen

Ferney left yesterday, for good. His sister came up to visit, so he spent ten days with her traveling around, and they ended their trip here in San Vicente. It was only for a couple days, but I think it was worth it, just so Maribelle could see where Ferney lived and worked for two years.

I'm slowly getting back into the routine here. While I still have to go back to the Peace Corps office a couple times next month, I'm trying to stay focused on my work here, with my groups and projects (still fund-raising!). I have a meeting with my counterpart and the Doctor at the centro de salud tomorrow, where I hope to fill them in with who I plan in giving the projects to, and my work for the next few months etc.

I've started to make the house mine, today I fixed the shower, got a spare set of keys for my site mate, cleaned and re-organized etc. It's a slow process (still need to buy tables, proving more difficult than originally planned) but poco-a-poco.

I know I've been really bad at updated recently, but I plan on getting my act together and updating more frequently. I have been frantically studying for the GRE's which I'm taking in August so that's where most of my free time goes.

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