Friday, May 1, 2009

Another Quick Update

OK, so I have a bit more time now, sitting in an internet cafe in Santa Lucia (a small town which is just outside of Antigua . The buses are lining up outside, getting ready to take everyone home. They are pretty much the only form of public transportation here and look like pimped out school buses (see below) that grind around the corner like a tractor stuck in second gear trying to get up a very large hill.

In addition, stray dogs roam the streets, just as hungry for tortillas as I am and construction workers click their tongues at you as you try to go to work.

Work itself is going well. Although it seems as though the Peace Corps does its best to try to scare you out of staying. The horror stories are great. We have 2 hours of spanish in the morning, then two hours of medical training-education, one hour for lunch, two more hours of spanish and then two hours of either IT, practical, or technical training.

Tomorrow however we move out of Santa lucia and into smaller villages further away from the Peace Corps headquarters with three other trainees. We will live with a new family and have spanish training everyday, and technical training every day, and then every Tuesday, we have to make our way back (on the infamous buses) to the Peace Corps headquarters for a day of training with the rest of the group (we are 32 in total, although statistically by the end of the 27 months we will be down to 24).

After 11 weeks of that, it is our swearing in ceremony and we are sent off on our own to start our service....yay!?

We will see.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Phil,
    Sounds like they're keeping you very busy, how's the food? Simon passed his driving test. Our Toyoto had to go and get fixed so now we're all fighting over the Citreon! Chris and Simon say Hi. Love from Aunty Carole xxx
