Thursday, May 28, 2009

What's in a name?

Today we had our practice charlas and feedback interviews with our program manager Basillio. Overall I think both went well, and I feel pretty confident about our "real" charlas (in front of an audience of actual people in the community and in Spanish) next week.

However, during the interview Basillio decided to tell me that he though it would be better and easier (for me of course) if I went by my middle name.

"Do you have a middle name?" he asked quite innocently. "yes," I replied, "it's April".

"Oh that's a great name, you shall go by that from now on. It will be easier, and there will be fewer connotations if you know what I mean...."

"connotations?" I reply

He didn't answer, put according to my Spanish teacher Sandra, Pippa, and certain forms thereof can sometimes mean prostitute. I've been here for a month, I'm so glad I'm being informed of this now.

So now I simply have to get used to saying: "Hola, mi nombre es April" and responding to the name in due course. That should be easy enough...right?

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