Saturday, June 6, 2009

Rolling out

Yesterday we gave our first charlas to a school here in Dueñas. I had a class of about 25 to 30 sixth graders. Considering my major language barriers etc. I think it went alright?

Today however we´re leaving for nine days to start our field based training (or FBT).

We leave today at noon from Antigua and head up to San Antonio Ilotenango Quiché.
There will meet up with current volunteers, have some "Medio Ambiente y Salud" classes and get intoduced to the Muni there. After a few days we´re going to have to give our own charlas there as well.

On Wednesday we´re heading down to San Martin Sacatepequez where we give some more charlas, and learn about that Muni (municipality or town/pueblo) and learn about an HIV taller (pronouned tyre and means workshop) we´re meant to be giving when we get back to Dueñas.

We get back on Sunday, just in time to start getting ready for the four hour taller and classes on Monday. It should be an interesting trip of meeting new volunteers and hostelling fun with fellow trainees. The Dueñas crowd is going with the group from the town Pastores so there will be eight of us in total, plus a volunteer and Basilio our APCD, a driver and a spanish teacher, so we´ll still have Spanish classes throughout the week.

It´s going to be busy and I expect to return on sunday exhausted and dirty.

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