Monday, June 22, 2009


So, things have pretty much turned back to normal, spanish class and waiting to get our site assignments. BUT, we had a great, great Saturday with Grant (you're the best!), a volunteer who invited us up to his house in a muni just outside of Chimaltenango

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for delicious homemade food (what a homemakers!) and drinks!

I met up with some people in Antigua to pick up some drinks and we hopped on a Camioneta and headed towards Chimi. About fifteen minutes into the ride the bus pulls over...and doesn't start again. We hear the driver and the ayudante (the driver's assistant who squeezes his usually bulging body through the masses of people crammed onto the camioneta to collect the fare) screaming some stuff at each other and wait...and wait. Finally we decide to try to get off and hail a passing camioneta, Anna wants to hitchhike....vetoed. We try to hail down a passing camioneta but it's too full (that never happens) so we hang out on the side of the road for about 40 minutes, and then we hear shouts from inside, see everyone get on, climb onto the back of the bus through the emergency exit (as it starts to move) and head back on our way...Either the bus broke down or the driver had to take a REALLY long dump in the milpa.

Regardless, we FINALLY make it to Grant's amazing house where he's prepared homemade cookies, homemade hummus, baked pita bread, veggie dip and homemade salsa. WHAA??! can you say heaven? It ended up being the girls from Pastores, Ryan, Anna and Kiki from San Luise and Marta and myself from Duenas. It was a pretty fun time, not to mention Stacy had her first solid poo in about a month (she has some tropical disease and amoebas, it's nuts).

In addition, life with the family has been pretty nuts.

We've been partying it up like nobody's business. It was my brother Pablo's Birthday on Saturday, and we also went to a fiesta in a nearby town, Alotenango, Saturday night, where my homestay Dad Alvero tried to find me a husband. Unfortunatly, none of the applicants were above five feet tall so they were all rejected, but it made for some pretty awkward dancing (think middle school slow dancing with a small person...but more awkward). Thank goodness Alvero always seems to know who's supplying the booze, so that helped with the social lubrication...a little.

We then went to Dona Christina's house yesterday night for dinner. We ate delicious food and then watched Guatemalan music videos (my favorite is one where two people hace amore en la milpa) and talked about how the youth today is being led astray by vulgarity and promiscuity.

Today was also Alvero's birthday, so the celebration started at breakfast when he told everyone we were having cuba libres and cornflakes...I denied as I was already late for class, but I don't think anyone else got as lucky (even Erica who's still breastfeeding...awkward). But, as soon as I return I'm sure the party will still be going on.

Enough ranting for one day, I find out my site on the 1st of July so can't wait. Until then....

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