Tuesday, June 2, 2009

You will notice here in Guatemala, that breakfast is a synonym for dinner

I thought I'd post a normal meal here in Guatemala, it is what I had for breakfast today:

Frijoles Negros Volteados (Fried Black Bean Paste)

2 cups black bean puree (canned refried black beans)
1 Tablespoon oil


Heat oil over moderate heat in a skillet.
Add bean puree and mix well with a wooden spoon.
Stir until the puree thickens and the liquid evaporates.
Continue until mix begins to come away from skillet and can be formed by shaking the skillet to give a sausage shape.
Serve warm with tortillas, cheese, sour cream, or bread.

Now, take a few loafs of pan francés and slather them with butter and stick them in the microwave for one minute thirty seconds.

Once the beans are ready, put them in a bowl and put a dollop of cream cheese in the center and stir until melted.


1 comment:

  1. Sounds delicious! So glad you are having a great time. Looking forward to more fun updates :o)
