Thursday, July 16, 2009

Some quick events


I just thought I'd throw down my introduction to my site, so you could get a feel for it.

First, my first day on my site visit.

It was NUTS, I didn't really know where I was or what I was meant to be doing. I show up at the Centro de Salud and meet Sara a GREAT social worker who I am excited about working with. She says we're going to go up to one of the communities, and asks if it's alright if we walk. I say yeah walking is great I'm excited and we head out.

We start cutting up through a milpa field and climb up over a hill and walk down the other side in an empty river bed. I'm in boots, and not at all prepared for this hike, and it is a hike. At one point we have to climb up over boulders and jump off. After two or three hills (going up and down, on various forms of paths) we finally get to a river. As we approach the river I see a dog laying in the grass and a cow tied to a tree grazing. Next to them is a man in full traje (traditional dress) with a really old worn cowboy hat on.

It was such an idyllic scene, I thought we could have been walking through time, and seeing an image from hundreds of years ago. I admire it before I start to ford the river, and then he turns a little bit and I notice something. The man is actually talking on his cell phone.

That pretty much sums up my site I think. Everyone has cell phones, but no one really has flushing toilets. People have relatives in the States who send back money. With that money hug houses are built with ten or eleven rooms. However, the houses don't have running water, lights or a bathroom. WHY?!!

I think some of my charlas are going to be on financial planning.

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