Monday, July 27, 2009

Adjusting and all

So I’ve moved into my new house…it seems like it’s going to work out well (fingers crossed). I’m living with a family, however I’m living in the bottom floor of their house. So have my own space, and my own bathroom….I just need to fill it with stuff now. As all I have are my bags and a bed. BUT…I have two years right? Oh and my shower doesn’t exist yet, I was promised that it would be put in today…fail, but I’m ASSURED it will be put in tomorrow. Regardless I’m super sucio right now and living a la tiempo chapina.

I had a weird/good/interesting weekend. On Friday I got a call from my boss, Wendy, saying that the Ambassador to the United States was going to Momostenango, the capital of my district and she was asking all volunteers that live in the area to come. Now, I may live in Momos, but getting to the city of Momos for me is difficult as all the buses that pass my town go to Xela, which is south, and Momos is East of here. So I have to go about an hour south, then get on a bus to Momos and go about an hour and a half north east. BUT… it was pretty cool because I met the other Momo’s volunteers and we also got to hang out with the Ambassador, who is super interesting and interested in the Peace Corps. At one point we just chilled on one of the volunteer’s roof and talked about his job and working in the Foreign Service.

On Sunday I had to get up early to go to Xela to get rent money (closest ATM) and then chilled out a bit with Ferney and then moved into my new house.

I’ve been working with primary schools. Introducing Salud Preventiva and just getting to know the kids. I’ve also attended a few meetings with the various communities near by and am going to start going house to house with an impuesta to see how their living conditions are and what their most urgent needs are. So I’ve been staying busy which is good and my boss is coming to visit me on Wednesday (great)…but the employees of the Centro de Salud are going on an excursion to the beach on Friday (yeah!..and bring the sunscreen), so I’m looking forward to that!!

1 comment:

  1. sounds EXCITING!! Espero que te sientes mejor. Tuviste una infección? Ya es mejor? Y por qué viajaste por coche de gallino. Había una opción?
